Our Story

How it all began...

God planted the seed of Iglesia El Faro long ago in the heart of our Pastor, Adam Gonzalez. Having seen the powerful way God restored and was redeeming his family - Pastor Adam began to pray for God to reach other men and families just as he had been reached. To his surprise, the one God called was him.

Iglesia El Faro began in the summer of 2012 in a local hair salon a few miles down the road of where we are today. It was there that God began to raise up a new church of broken men and women who sought God and His truth. To this day, we are proud to say the same - Iglesia El Faro is a group of people who seek to look more and more like Christ as we walk life alongside God.

Soon, we outgrew our small hair salon and began to rent in a local Adventist church for a number of years. In those years, we understood the blessing of laboring for the Kingdom of God. Every Sunday began with the setting up of all the equipment and materials we would need for each service. Our time together would not have been possible without the men and women who arrived early and left late. Again, we outgrew our spaces and began to seek the Lord for the miracle of having somewhere to call our church home.

God answered miraculously and powerfully in 2018 when the city of Chicago Heights generously donated the old Polish American Pub for the total of $1. That year was marked with long hours of friends and church family giving of their time and skills to redevelop the property to make it a proper church building. Today, we carry the same legacy of seeking to remain obedient to God’s calling, willing to do the hard work of that calling, and believing God for what He seeks to do in our city and surrounding communities.

Sé parte de nuestra historia...

Acompáñenos todos los domingos para adorar juntos a las 11 am y los Jueves a las 7 pm.